QCD Meets Gravity in Taipei
In December 2024, the international conference "QCD Meets Gravity" took place at NTU. Over 130 participants came to Taiwan to discuss new results at the frontier of current research in theoretical physics.
The conference was organized jointly by LeCosPA and the Center for Theoretical Physics (CTP) at NTU, and hosted in the auditorium of Academia Sinica's Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics (ASIAA). It was the tenth in an annual series of meetings for researchers interested in Yang-Mills theory, in gravity, and in the connections between them. It was the first time that the conference was held in Asia.
The conference featured a stellar lineup of speaker covering a wide range of topics in particle physics, cosmology and gravity. Each day started with an extended review talk. These review talks were given by Enrico Pajer (on cosmological correlators), Jaroslav Trnka (on scattering amplitudes), Ian Moult (on energy correlators), Mikhail Ivanov (on large-scale structure) and Radu Roiban (on gravitational waves). The remaining talks at the conference were more specialized and covered technical advances in these fields. In addition, LeCosPA organized two special colloquia given by Zvi Bern ("QCD Meets Gravity in Taipei") and Alessandra Buonanno ("Illuminating the Dark Universe with Gravitational Waves"). These colloquia were an opportunity for the wider physics and astronomy community at NTU to be given an overview of the research discussed at the conference. Recordings of all talks can be found on LeCosPA's YouTube channel.